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Monday - Friday 9:00am-5:00pm

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118 N Killingsworth St

Portland, OR 97217

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healthy joint function

Gently restoring healthy joint function

By Dr. Melanie Brown | Originally posted at The Mountain Times on 03/31/23 Our professor in chiropractic school would say, “We do not crack backs; we restore healthy joint function!” Unfortunately, some people shy away from chiropractic therapy because they don't like the idea of their joints being “cracked.” Thus, most chiropractors don't use that terminology to describe chiropractic joint manipulation. In fact, some cringe at the term, but some of...

pure life clinic vitamin d

Tenacious D: Benefits of the vital vitamin

Dr. Melanie Brown | Originally published by The Mountain Times on 03/01/2023 When we were in Maui for Christmas this year, we wanted to “bottle it up” and take it home. Our lingering colds disappeared, our moods improved, and our energy increased. Unfortunately, you can't bring the beach back with you. Instead, give yourself a little “liquid sunshine” to help you through the winter months in the form of vitamin D. Typically,...

Pure Life - Good Health and Nature

Nature Walks Can Start You Down Path to Good Health

Dr. Melanie Brown | Originally published in Mountain Times | October 1, 2022 We ran into friends at Wildwood Park for the second time a few weeks ago. When I said, “Fancy seeing you here again,” they asserted that nature walks were a part of their healthcare plan. Brilliant! If only more people would think this way! No “magic pill” exists for good health, but nature cures! Time in nature is...

chiropractic doctor working on neck

Well Adjusted: Exactly What Is Chiropractic Care?

Written for the Mountain Times Oregon by Dr. Melanie Brown | Published 04/01/2022 I became interested in chiropractic care due to my stepmom's experience. She had been seeing a neurologist for numbness in her right leg. After three MRIs and several tests, she had no answers. Her neurologist gave her two options — exploratory surgery or chiropractic care. She visited a chiropractor who x-rayed her standing up and found the problem, which...

person holding heart

Help For the People of Ukraine

The unfolding conflict in Ukraine, though thousands of miles away, is personal to us at Pure Life Clinic – a valued member of our team is from Ukraine and still has family living there. And Oregon is home to one of the largest populations of Ukrainian-speakers in the United States, so we all are probably five degrees of separation from someone who has been affected by the attack on Ukraine.  At...

Don’t Overlook Hydration as Key to Good Health

Dr. Melanie Brown(Republished from the Mountain Times Newspaper, Welches, Oregon) As we settle into winter, many of us find it much more appealing to stay under the covers in the cold mornings as we start to feel those aches and pains and mental sluggishness. One thing we often forget to ease this transition—and improve our overall health—is hydration. We often think of thirst as our first indicator of dehydration. However, chronic dehydration...

woman in mask getting accupuncture

Acupuncture, Anxiety, and Stress, Oh my!

Don’t let stress and anxiety rule you, instead let Pure Life Clinic soothe both your mind and your body. The last year and a half have been trying times for everyone. Now, with the world opening up again and vaccinations increasingly available, we are all facing simultaneous relief and anxiety - for some more one than the other. Everyone has stress - but that doesn't make it healthy. Stress causes inflammation in the...

New Year’s Tips for Your Back and Neck

Being a chiropractor, I am in a constant state of gait and posture analysis, drastically changing my people-watching habits. I consistently observe a predominance of poor head posture in patients and the general population—specifically, an anterior head carriage. Like roads that need restriping, I see backs and necks that need rehabilitation....

COVID-19 Antibody testing NOW AVAILABLE at Pure Life Clinic

As Oregonians, one of the crucial next steps to safely move forward in this pandemic is expanded testing capabilities. If you are currently symptomatic please see below for OHSU drive up testing options. If you are not currently symptomatic but want to know if you have developed the antibodies due to previous exposure, then we have the resources to help you find out. Antibody Testing The antibody testing is newly available. It assesses...